Why Two Kittens are Always Better Than One When Adopting
If you’re considering adopting a cat, you might wonder whether it might be a better idea to adopt two. There’s a healthy amount of debate on this kitty question, but, …
Here’s Everything That You Should Know About Your Kittens, Breeds Mix, Care, And More.
If you’re considering adopting a cat, you might wonder whether it might be a better idea to adopt two. There’s a healthy amount of debate on this kitty question, but, …
How to raise a kitten to be cuddly? Well, Kittens are lovely. Their cute little paws are something that I love the most. But they do not tend to be …
We are going to discuss how to tell how many kittens a cat will have and how to take care of those kittens after they are born! There are a …
When a tortoiseshell cat has kittens, the kittens will also be tortoiseshell if they inherit a ginger coat chromosome and a black coat chromosome. However, in some cases, the color …
Has your cat recently given birth and is she keeping her kittens super close? You may ask yourself, “When will a mother cat bring her kittens out?” We have the …
Sometimes people fall in love with a kitten by seeing its adorable pictures on the internet or neighbors kitten. And they asked themselves—should I get a kitten? Well, if you …
You adopted a kitten for the first time. And you are very excited about your pet until it’s nighttime. Now it’s very simple for the first-timer pet owner to get …
Newborn kittens are venerable to many diseases similar to human babies. Though many kittens can survive extremely harsh conditions, they are not invincible. Fading kitten syndrome is a condition that is …
A newborn kitten needs a lot of sleep and nutrition. It helps them to build their immune system and helps them to grow faster. A newborn kitten will eat every …
A black kitten turning grey is a concern for any cat owner. It can be very concerning to think that something you did could have caused this color change, or …
Sugar water is a great solution for kittens who are not feeding well or have fading kitten syndrome. It can be used as an oral Re-hydration solution, or it can …