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Why Does My Cat Headbutt Me When I’m Sleeping? (7 Reasons Why)

Why Does My Cat Headbutt Me When I’m Sleeping? (7 Reasons Why)

Cats are wonderfully affectionate animals, but that doesn’t mean they won’t occasionally use you as a headrest when you’re sleeping.

What’s more, cats will sometimes perform their headbutting in the middle of the night, which can be confusing and upsetting to those who wake up with the cat’s nose in their face or its chin resting on their cheek.

You may ask in frustration, “Why does my cat headbutt me when I’m sleeping? Here are seven reasons why your cat headbutts you while you are sleeping!

Why Does My Cat Headbutt Me When I’m Sleeping?

Cats headbutt their humans as a way to bond. Also known as “bunting,” headbutting is a common feline behavior that’s actually a sign of affection.

Why does your cat headbutt you?

Most cats are social animals, and they enjoy bonding with their human family members. Just like dogs, cats need human interaction and attention to feel loved and fulfilled. When they bump your face or head with their heads, it’s their way of returning the love.

7 Reason Why Your Cat Headbutts You While you Are Sleeping

1. The Hello

Your cat headbutts you because they want attention, and they want it now. It’s adorable and sometimes annoying way for them to get your attention. If your furry feline friend wants you to do something, like petting them or feeding them, all they have to do is plant a head on your noggin.

But what if that cute behavior gets annoying? And why does it happen? Here are eight reasons why cats headbutt you when you sleep, plus ways to stop it from happening again.

2. They Want Something

If your cat headbutts you, he probably wants something. He might want to be fed or let out of his kennel, or he might simply be happy to see you and ready for a scratch behind his ears.

Some cats are more demonstrative than others, but they’re rarely being pushy on purpose; they’re just acting on their instincts. Since your cat’s instinct is to hunt prey that runs away from it when frightened, it can come off as aggressive if you don’t know why it does what it does.

To make things easier for both of you, take some time each day to talk with your feline companion-maybe feed him right before petting him so that he associates your presence with something good.

Eventually, he will learn to relax around you and feel comfortable enough to stop butting your hand every time you reach down toward him.

After all, everyone loves attention! And there’s no better way to show an animal that it means something special to us than by spending quality time with them. I can attest first-hand:

Even though my cat still sometimes headbutts me in an effort to get my attention, she never fails to welcome a cuddle session later on in the day!

3. They Feel Sorry For You

My cat headbutts me and likes doing it so much. He’s obsessed with it and has been since we first got him, three years ago. Whether he wants my attention or to remind me that I’m his personal scratching post or just genuinely feels bad for me, I have no idea and probably never will.

Cats aren’t exactly known for their forthcoming nature-but he doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. In fact, in true cat fashion, his attempts are increasing in frequency.

4. They Think It’s Fun

The next time your cat headbutts you, know that it’s most likely not a form of aggression. There are several reasons why cats headbutt people and objects, including as a greeting when they want attention or playtime.

 If your kitty starts headbutting you when you’re sleeping, don’t worry; he’s just hoping for some love and attention. In fact, it could be his way of saying wake up.

Some experts say that feline face-rubbing behavior is actually an attempt to stimulate blood flow to their faces and sharpen their scent-which is why when they start pawing at you while they do it, it might seem almost like grooming behavior.

5. Attention Seeking Behavior

The reasons why cats headbutt you are probably because they want your attention. The most obvious way to get someone’s attention is by talking to them or asking them to do something for you. This only works if they are paying attention and listening in on what you have to say.

However, if they seem distracted, you can try touching their arm or shoulder, giving them a gentle push, or even lightly hitting them on the back of their leg with your hand.

The same goes for cats; if your cat headbutts you, it’s possible that she wants your attention and is hoping that by doing so, she will be able to wake you up from your slumber.

6. Kitty Tummy Rub

The most common reason why cats headbutt us when we’re sleeping is for a tummy rub. It feels good to them, too! The underside of their chins has scent glands that release pheromones and help signal affection.

If you don’t know how to give a cat a tummy rub, just gently use your hands to stroke their stomach and backbone while they purr; it’s almost like giving yourself a back massage. Don’t forget about that special spot on their chin, too!

7. Love You

Cats are very territorial and use scents to mark their territory. As part of their dominant behavior, they will rub themselves on objects and people in an attempt to leave a scent. While it can be annoying, especially when you wake up with kitty breath.

They’re actually marking you as theirs-so now every time your cat sees you, it thinks yep, that’s mine! This is why most cats will prefer one person over others-they only headbutt certain people because that person is theirs.

Final Words

Why does my cat headbutt me when I’m sleeping? Well, Most cats headbutt because they are social animals that want to communicate. Just like us, many kitties will headbutt their owners as a way of telling them they care and also as a way of showing affection.

However, some cats might do it because they have an ear infection or just have something foreign in their ears that needs removing. It’s always best to speak with your vet if you think your feline is trying to tell you something.