Does Cat Insulin Need to be Refrigerated?

Does Cat Insulin Need to be Refrigerated? [13 Steps to do it]

A few days ago, I brought insulin for my cat. After injecting my cat with insulin, I left the remaining insulin on my dining. After a few days, my cat’s blood sugar was high again.

So I decided to inject the remaining insulin, but I was not sure the left-over insulin was still good or got damaged, as I didn’t keep the insulin in the refrigerator, which leads to the question of does cat insulin needs to be refrigerated?

I did a little research on this topic and here’s what I know after my research:

Does cat insulin need to be refrigerated? Insulin should be stored in a refrigerator, but you can keep them anywhere for a day or two as long as the temperature is cold ( not above 25 degrees Celsius) and there is no direct sunlight.

Direct sunlight makes the insulin break down, so if you store the insulin under sunlight, it will get damaged and will not work as intended.

There is a small percentage of cats that have diabetes. And if your cats have diabetes, then they need insulin to control their blood sugar. I use “Pet Wellbeing Blood Sugar Gold” insulin for my cat. This is one of the best pet insulin out on the market. It is developed with the traditional use of herbs and proper scientific research.

Insulin is the primary medicine, to maintain cat blood sugar levels for a day or two. Sometimes, you ha may need to inject your insulin once or twice a day, if your cat’s blood sugar level gets too high.

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If your cat is diagnosed with diabetes, you must always keep an extra insulin dose at your home; you never know when your cat’s blood sugar level will get high

Dr. Andrew Krieger

How long can cat insulin be unrefrigerated?

You can keep insulin unrefrigerated for a day or two, only if it isn’t exposed to direct sunlight. Insulin is a hormone, so if it is exposed to direct sunlight or high temperature, the insulin element will break down, and it will lose effectiveness. So it would be best if you kept the insulin inside refrigerated.

Insulin is a hormone that we use to control our blood sugar levels. Also, insulin is being used to control cats’ blood sugar levels too.

You can also use human Lantus or Glargine insulin on cats. Cats’ insulin is made with vetsulin and protamine zinc specifically or PZI.

If your cat has diabetes, then it needs consistent medication and administration. You need to change the cat’s diet, measure blood sugar level regularly, and give it insulin shots whenever required.

Is it ok to inject my cat with cold insulin?

It is highly recommended to store the insulin in the refrigerator. But, you should not inject it right after you bring it out of the fridge. Injecting a cold insulator makes the injection very painful. 

So, after bringing the insulin out of the fridge, you should keep it at room temperature for a while and then inject it into your cat. It will make the injection process much easier and painless for your cat.

If you inject cold insulin into your cat, it will be excruciating for them, and the next time they will not want to take insulin, which will make the injection process much harder for you. So always keep insulin out of the refrigerator for 10 minutes before you inject it.

Can cats use human insulin?

Cats don’t need any particular insulin because you can use human insulin on them, and it will work fine. There is no feline insulin available on the market, so veterinarians use human insulin to treat cats’ diabetes.

There are many types of insulin available on the market right now. They are used for different reasons, and they have various chemical modifications and formulations in them, so they have other effects on the body.

Currently, there is no insulin available in the market for any feline or cat. So every insulin that’s been used on the cat is made for humans.

But don’t worry, human insulin doesn’t do any harm to the cat. It controls blood glucose the same way as humans, so it’s harmless.

However, PZI or Protamine ZInc Iletin has been used worldwide for feline diabetes. It works exactly like any other insulin. It is becoming popular as it is an excellent choice for long-term treatment. Currently, it is becoming widely available all over the world. 

How long does cat insulin last?

A bottle of cat insulin should last for 6 to 8 weeks or even longer if you follow the following instructions:

  • Insulin should always be kept refrigerated.
  • Do not clean the syringe with water before taking insulin out of the bottle.
  • Do not shake it before taking insulin out with syringe.
  • Don’t touch the rubber stopper with your fingers.

Insulin is a sterile suspension. So it needs special care to stay effective. If you want to keep the insulin to its 100% effective, you need to take a couple of measures. If you are not careful, then you might end up damaging the insulin.

For example, you need to be careful not to touch the rubber stopper with your finger, and you can’t clean the syringes with water in any way.

When you want to use the insulin for your cat, you need to mix it correctly. When mixing the insulin, do not shake the insulin. It is very sensitive, and it will get damaged if you shake it too harshly. And if you notice that it’s changing its color, then you need a new bottle. So if you can maintain the regulations, then a bottle should last for 6 to 8 weeks and more.

How can you tell if the insulin is damaged?

If your cat’s insulin is damaged, then it might harm your cat rather than help. There are two ways to tell if your insulin is damaged or not. The first one is a visual inspection, and the second one is checking your blood glucose level.

Insulin is very effective at controlling the blood glucose of your cat. But if it gets damaged, then it won’t work on your cat the way it should.

When insulin gets damaged, it won’t work in your cat’s body, and your cat will end up with high blood glucose levels.

So the first way to check if the insulin is bad is to visually inspect it. You should notice that the insulin looks cloudy or seems discolored in any way, then don’t use it.

And if the insulin has clumps or something like strings, avoid using it as it is not safe.

However, there is another way to tell if the insulin is bad or not. After injecting the insulin, the blood glucose level will drop and will stay at that level.

But if you notice that your cat’s blood glucose is not dropping, then the insulin has gone bad. So always check the blood glucose of your cat after injecting the insulin.

What happens if I inject expired insulin in my cat?

Every insulin comes with an expiration date, and you should never inject expired insulin as it has side effects. But if you accidentally inject expired insulin, then your cat’s blood glucose level won’t go down, and it might even increase your cat’s blood glucose level.

So if you notice any side effects with your cat after injecting expired insulin, immediately seek veteran advice or take your cat to a nearby pet clinic. Before you inject your cat with insulin, always check the expired date. 

What size needle is needed for cat insulin?

The needle size varies according to personal preferences. But it is generally accepted that the correct size for an adult cat is a 22 gauge needle. But you can use a smaller 25 gauge needle for kittens. 

Thinner needle increases the time and pressure needed to transfer the insulin to your cat’s body, but it cause less damage to the cat skin.

But before choosing which needles to pick, you should consult a veterinarian. They will help you decide which sizes of needles are best for your cat.

If you choose a thinner needle, it will take longer to inject the insulin inside your cat, and as we know, cats tend to move a lot. So a bigger needle size is always appreciable. But again, it depends on preferences.

Where to give a cat insulin shot?

Giving your cat an insulin shot can be confusing if you have no idea where to inject it. The optimal place to inject the insulin shot is your cat’s shoulder or back. Also, you need to change the spot each time. Otherwise, it can create a granuloma.

Injecting your cat with insulin can become very troublesome if you don’t know precisely where to inject it. If you inject the insulin in the wrong spot, then it won’t work. 

So you need to know precisely where to inject it. An ideal spot is behind your cat’s shoulder or your cat’s back. Also, you need to make sure that you are injecting the insulin under the skin.

How to give insulin to your cat? Step By Step

If your cat has diabetes and needs insulin, you should learn how to give your cat insulin as you will need to inject it every day. Injecting the insulin might scare you a little bit but don’t worry. It is straightforward and takes a short amount of time.

Follow the instruction below, and you will be able to inject the insulin into your cat without any issues:

  • Step 1: Before injecting the insulin, feed your cat.
  • Step 2: insulin can get damaged very easily, so check the bottle if it’s frosted, discolored. If you notice any one of them, then start with a new vial. Also, check the expiration date.
  • Step 3: Very carefully roll the vial to mix the hormone. Do not shake the insulin as it will damage it.
  • Step 4: Clean the rubber stopper with rubbing alcohol.
  • Step 5: Now remove the needle’s safety cap and mark the correct dose on the syringe.
  • #Step 6: Turn the insulin bottle upside down and insert the needle through the stopper.
  • Step 7: Draw the prescribed amount of insulin.
  • Step 8: Double-check the syringe for air bubbles in the dose. If you notice any air bubble in the syringe, then depress it into the bottle and start again.
  • Step 9: Find a good spot where it best suits you.
  • Step 10: Pinch and fold your cat’s skin with your thumb and index finger. 
  • #Step 11: Gently insert the needle into the focal point of the overlap.
  • Step 12 – after injecting the insulin, dispose of the needle and syringe.
  • Step 13 : Pat, your cat and reward him with something he likes.

If you follow these steps, then soon, you should be able to give insulin to your cat like a pro.

Did I cover all you wanted to know about weather cat insulin needed to be refrigerated or not?

Storing your cat’s insulin in the refrigerator is very important. If you don’t keep it in the fridge, it will lose its effectiveness, and it will do nothing to your cat’s diabetes. 

If you do not inject insulin, then your cat will face high blood sugar. So it’s always best to inject the insulin timely. But if your insulin loses its effectiveness, then it will do nothing to your cat, and your cat will face high blood sugar levels.

So we hope that you got the answer to the question- Does cat insulin need to be refrigerated? And know exactly when you need to inject the insulin and how to inject it in the cat. 

Moreover, you must understand how to store your insulin. However, if you notice or face any complications, then contact a professional vet immediately.

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