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10 Reasons Why Dog Jump Up Suddenly When Lying Down

10 Reasons Why Dog Jump Up Suddenly When Lying Down

Have you ever noticed your dog jump up suddenly when lying down? There are many possible medical reasons for this like arthritis, hemorrhagic, slipped disc, kidney stones, bladder infection, high blood pressure, or problem in back passage glands. 

Let us discuss some of these reasons in detail: Why does a dog jump up suddenly when lying down?

1) Arthritis

Arthritis is a condition where your dog feels immense pain in its joints and this makes it feel discomfort. So, it can happen that your dog is comfy in his bed and suddenly it feels sore and stiff.  

Here is what happens – when your dog is running or walking, it may not feel any pain in its body but when the body goes to a resting position, the immobility exerts pressure on the joints.

Hence, your dog suddenly jumps up while lying down, starts moving here and there, and after a period of time, sleeps again. 

2) Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis

This issue is common amongst the small breeds that affect middle-aged and young dogs. 

Detecting your dog has a health condition is difficult because it may be hard to pick up on the signs. The better your pet gets to know you, the easier it will be for him or her to let you know if there is an issue with your dog. 

You should still watch them carefully and listen for any subtle signs that could be indicators of various illnesses or conditions that could affect the health of your dog in one way or another. 

If you have trouble figuring out what these signs are pertaining to any certain disease, you can always meet with a vet who specializes in dogs so that they can either help identify any possible diseases or study their records for treatment. 

Signs of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis include – 

  • Anorexia
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea with blood
  • Vomiting
  • Change in behavior
  • Depression
  • Abdominal pain
  • Depression

3) An issue with back passage glands

Dogs have back passage glands, that when filled with a sticky, yellow substance can cause discomfort for your furry friend. 

If you are unsure whether or not your dog’s back passage glands need to be expressed, ask a veterinarian as soon as possible. Failing to take care of an back passage gland problem or allowing them to become impacted could result in infection and even death. 

But this can also result in your dog suddenly jumping while lying down.

Some of the signs that will help you know that your dog’s back passage glands are needed to be expressed include –

  • The dog continuously licks its butt hole
  • There is a brownish stain where your dog sits
  • The dog drags itself to the ground
  •  A different odor comes from your dog’s poop passage

4) Dog Having nightmares

Nightmare is the most common reason for your dog to jump suddenly while sleeping or lying down. 

When your dog wakes up from a bad dream, it’ll change its sleeping position.

Many dogs share this weird trait, and that’s probably because they can’t tell you what scared them in the first place. 

You’re likely to do the same thing after having a nightmare – so if you think about it you sleep with your arms and legs closed too. 

Dogs will often head over to the door with enthusiasm and start scratching at it in an attempt to get out of the room where the nightmare happened. 

The reason for this is likely due to them wanting some time alone to recuperate in a safe environment away from whatever frightened them before returning to where they had initially been asleep.

5) Fleas, Dog ticks or other parasites.

Fleas are one of the most common reasons for your dog getting up instantly. Even if it appears your dog is not experiencing any kind of discomfort, you should check for fleas anyway. 

An effective way to do this is to use a flea comb. While one can start seeing results in a matter of minutes, they still may find that it comes out without a single flea being located by the vet or themselves. 

This doesn’t mean that there isn’t at least one dead flea lying around somewhere on your pet! So do yourself and your beloved pet good and wrap them up inside the coC00N.

6) Sleep cycle disorder

Dogs can suffer from insomnia too. You can tell by the way they’re acting, such as moving around a lot at night or scratching at their ears during the day. 

If you’re worried your dog might have sleep issues, there are certain things you can do like taking them to a vet who will be able to rule out any other illness that’s causing their sleepless nights.

 Potassium bromide could be prescribed for sleep behavior disorders, but if the cause is just stress or anxiety then Clonazepam may be the medication of choice since it tends to take effect quicker on dogs than potassium bromide.

7) High blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the reasons for your dog jumping suddenly when lying down. When a dog has high blood pressure it usually means that an illness is present that’s only going to worsen if not treated. 

Before deciding on surgery for your furry friend, it’s imperative to know what could be the underlying cause of this serious disease, so you don’t set yourself and your dog up for further complications down the road.

A good veterinarian will conduct testing to determine what kind of treatment is needed based upon the results they come back with.

8) Slipped disc in Dogs

Slipped disc causes pressure on the nerves and spinal cord of your dog. If the disc slips suddenly then your dog may jump suddenly. 

Here are some of the most common symptoms of slipped disc

  • Weakness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Paralysis

9) Kidney stones

If you haven’t noticed yet, your dog might be giving off a lot of signs about its sensitive stomach. 

If you’re concerned at all, you should speak with a veterinarian right away, as kidney stones can be lethal if they reach a certain size or become too painful to withstand – causing severe bleeding and damage to your dog’s internal organs. 

Although kidney stones can be detected via X-ray, keep in mind that smaller stones may not show up at all. Talk with your vet so that your dog can live a better life getting rid of this nuisance disease.

Some of the most common signs of kidney stones include

  • Urine with blood
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Lack of appetite
  • Kidney pain
  • Weight loss
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy

10) Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are usually observed in older dogs. Some of the potential causes are diabetes and dietary problems.

But there are different indications as well when it comes to male and female dogs. Even some breeds might be prone to disease-causing bladder stones.

common Urinary tract symptoms includes

  • Fever
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Bloody urine
  • Whining during peeing
  • Frequent need to pee
  • Lethargy
  • No control of the bladder
  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Urine with a smell
  • Intense back pain
  • Licking the butt hole

Final words

The sudden, almost violent, jumping up behavior is known as the Flehmen Response. A lot of dogs will occasionally get up while they are sleeping and lie down again in a different place. 

Some do it because they see a bug or another animal outside of the window or they may be dreaming. If your dog is jumping out of the bed and then jumping right back in, it may be something more serious. 

If you notice that your dog is getting up and moving around while sleeping, you should consult your vet. It is important to make sure your dog is getting the proper amount of rest.

We hope you love reading this article and got some knowledge to handle this situation. Stay connected for more informative articles. Thank you.


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This indicates that there is something wrong with its stomach. Reasons for this can be gastritis, bloat, and intestinal issues. If your dog is not eating or resting and vomiting then you must consult a vet.

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Most often dogs will chew, lick, or scratch themselves as a result of a pore infection since it’s in most cases characterized by an allergic and/or parasitic cause. However, different patterns of pruritis exist depending on the location where your dog has been bitten/stung – such as an armpit or abdomen for example – along with the type of insect in question and its saliva or venom