Labradors are athletic, outgoing, active, and always on their toe. They must be waddling over you this moment, and the next moment, they are running after a butterfly in the garden. Every Labrador owner will agree that their dog is full of energy, and that’s what keeps them fit and healthy. But isn’t there a similar case with you? Or are you worried about your Labrador’s varied leg length?
Labradors can have longer back legs than their front legs, and that is completely normal. It is a healthy scenario unless the deformation of the legs’ size is unusual and the Lab appears to be in pain and discomfort. And if these conditions persist, then most probably, your Labrador is suffering from Hip Dysplasia or any other underlying health issue.

How Long Should A Labradors Legs Be?
According to the official standards of Labrador Retrievers as per the American Kennel Club,
Height for a male Labrador dog is 22½ to 24½ inches; for a female Labrador dog is 21½ to 23½ inches. About ½ to 1-inch variation to this height is acceptable. However, their legs (male or female) must measure anywhere between 14 to 18 inches. According to researchers, show-breed Labradors usually have a leg-to-body ratio of about 50:50. At the same time, the Labradors who are bred for the field have longer legs than their bodies. The longer leg over the body proportion helps them with their athletic and working instincts more profoundly.
Do Labs Have Longer Back Legs?
Labradors usually do not have very long back legs, but Labrador Puppy Hind Legs can appear longer. If you experience notice so, take a deep breath and just calm down. Labrador puppies can often have longer hind legs due to the simple reason that their legs haven’t finished growing yet.
From the age of 6 months, dogs usually enter adolescence age, and that’s when most of their physical growth is already formed. But their bones are still developing, and for some, it makes takes the age of 2 years to come into their desired shape.
However, if your Labrador still has longer back legs, this might be a matter of concern. So let’s shed some more light on it.
5 Reasons Why Labrador’s Back Legs Are Longer Then Front Legs
Some dogs naturally have longer hind legs. Even how much uncomfortable it may appear to you; this can be completely normal for the dog. But that’s not the case with Labrador Retrievers. Here are some reasons stating WHY:
1) Because your Labrador is still growing:
While the growing months/ years, puppies go through some awkward experiences. Some of their body parts grow faster than others showing some type of deformation. However, in reality, uneven body composition is most likely temporary, especially if your dog is less than two years.
2) Because your Labrador is suffering from Dwarfism.
Dwarfism is a specific genetic condition that can make a Labrador appear smaller than its standard size. While seeing such dogs, people often refer to them as cute, but having one at home feels like a challenge to them.
When noticed closely, their shorter legs become conspicuous. Dwarfism in Labradors can not only lead to shorter height or shorter legs, but it can give birth to many other physical ailments as well. For instance, Labs suffering from Dwarfism may have a disproportionate head, slower growth, and several bone structure abnormalities.
3) Because of Hip Dysplasia.
The most common reason why your Labrador has a smaller front leg and longer hind leg is Hip Dysplasia. It is a common but very uncomfortable condition that Labradors often suffer with. Hip Dysplasia, though, is common in many dog breeds; with Labradors, it is extremely common.
A Lab suffering from the same can experience pain and difficulty in walking and standing, thus decreasing physical participation, limping, and difficulties while jumping. In addition, due to Hip Dysplasia, some Labradors make also experience stiffness in their back legs which can result in making back legs appear slightly longer.
Hip Dysplasia is hereditary in Labradors, and excessive intolerance during their puppyhood also can lead to the same.
4) Because of some underlying health problem.
Labradors’ hind/ back legs must be at level with their fronts. Along with that, they should be muscular even more than the front legs. Though if not, then probably your Lab is suffering from some underlying health problem.
Upon suspecting the same, you can take your dog to an expert Vet. Consider finding a veterinary orthopaedic surgeon since these doctors are specialized in treating bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and other skeletal structures and disabilities related to the same.
5) Because your Labrador is not a purebred but a mixed breed.
If a Labrador is bred with some dog breeds who have longer hind legs, it can produce a litter with the same physical build. This can be a result of the DNA dominance of another breed involved. If you suspect so, ask your breeder for Pedigree papers or get your dog’s DNA test done.
What Dog Breed Has Long Back Legs?
Labradors have equal from and back legs, whereas their hind legs are more muscular. However, there is some dog breed that naturally has long back legs. Such breeds include
- Irish Wolfhound
- Akbash
- Scottish Deerhounds
- Great Dane
- Borzoi
- Afghan Hounds
Though despite having longer hind legs, these dogs are excellent at guarding and hunting.
Why Does My Dog Have Such Long Legs?
Your dog has such long legs, probably due to their standard breed characteristics. If you have Greyhounds, Azawakhs, Afgan Hounds, Great Danes, Komondor, Whippets, and other such dogs as pets, expect them to have long legs naturally.
However, if you have a dog that must have shorted or standard legs were given to their breed characteristics but have longer instead, it may be due to their genetic history. Chances are that in some of their heredity, cross-breeding with the longer-legged dog was performed. It, as a result, has similar signs through generations.
Wrapping up…
Labradors may have a slight difference in leg size, and that is completely normal. Until and unless the dog is facing some kind of physical discomfort, there is nothing to worry about. Also, if your Lab is still growing, this deformity of the legs will probably go away with time. However, if both these conditions aren’t under consideration, then it is better to get your Lab tested for Hip Dysplasia, Dwarfism, or other bone disabilities.