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Why Do Persian Cats Cry? (8 Reasons Why)

Why Do Persian Cats Cry? (8 Reasons Why)

Cats are fascinating creatures. They are quiet, independent, and mysterious animals not necessarily known for their emotional displays. However, Persian cats are different in this way.

They tend to be more expressive than other breeds of cats, making them a popular breed for those who want a vocal companion. As it turns out, there are many reasons why Persian cats cry.

Whether they’re sad or happy, one thing is for sure: their cries can tug on your heartstrings.

Why Do Persian Cats Cry? 8 Reasons Why Persian Cats Cry So Much!

Cats are known for their intelligence, independence, and affectionate nature. However, Persian cats are unique in that they’re also expressive with their emotions.

Persian cats cry when they’re unappreciated, when they’re hungry, or when they want to play.

The following are 8 reasons for the question, Why do Persian cats cry?

1. Sickness

It’s not uncommon for cats to cry when they’re sick. If your cat is crying when it would typically be active or playful, something might be wrong.

This can include vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing, a runny nose, watery eyes, and more.

You should also note that cats tend to vocalize more when in pain or discomfort than they do in other situations.

Cats have a way of showing their pain and discomfort through vocalization, so it’s essential to be mindful if you sense that your cat is uncomfortable.

2. Pain

The first reason Persian cats cry in pain. If a Persian cat feels pain, it will likely let out loud cries (even when no one is there) as an SOS call for help.

In these cases, the cat may also run in circles around the room, which can be frustrating to watch, but you should try not to touch them as it can worsen their pain,

3. The Change in Environment

One reason why Persian cats cry is the change in environment. Cats are susceptible creatures and can be easily startled by sudden environmental changes. For example, if you take your cat from its home and put it in a strange place, they may not know where they are and become distressed.

4. The Change in People (Cat’s Family)

Cats are solitary animals that only come out of their hiding places when they want food. They don’t like change and will usually disappear when introduced to the house.

If the cat has been living with a family, they might cry when a new person comes into the house because they are grieving the loss of their family.

5. Nerve Endings

The nerve endings in their eyes are very close to the surface of their skin. That is why when they have a good time, they will rub their faces on you and purr in your ear. When they get scared or feel threatened, they hide their faces and cry out loudly.

Cats are not as expressive with their emotions as dogs are, but there are many reasons why Persian cats cry.

The most common causes come from being frightened or feeling threatened–whether it’s because of something happening nearby or because they’re not sure of something far off in the distance.

6. Stress

One of the most common reasons why Persian cats cry is stress. Kittens are born with a thick, protective coat of fur, but it starts to thin after they reach six weeks old.

This transformation can cause them to become overwhelmed and stressed out by the unfamiliar feeling of their new skin

7. Blockage in Tear Ducts

One of the reasons why Persian cats cry is because they might have a blockage in their tear ducts. You will notice that your Persian cat has tears on its face that don’t seem to be coming from the eyes.

This is because the tear ducts are blocked. When this happens, it can hurt the cat and make them feel uncomfortable.

To fix this issue, you need to take your cat to see a vet as soon as possible so they can get something put in their eye to unblock the tear duct.

If not taken care of, your cat could develop conjunctivitis and other problems with its eyes.

8. They need more attention.

Cats are pretty self-sufficient animals and don’t need much help from humans. Still, if you neglect your duty as a pet owner and fail to give your Persian cat the attention it needs for long periods, that can lead to unwelcome behavior like crying.

The cat will start feeling lonely or even abandoned without its owner’s attention; as such, it will

How to Stop Persian Cats From Crying

Persian cats cry for a variety of reasons. They may be in pain, feeling neglected, or simply wanting attention.

The good news is that there are ways to stop your Persian cat from ever crying again.

The first thing you can do is become more familiar with the various sounds and cries your Persian cat makes. This will allow you to learn which sounds are normal and which ones mean something’s wrong.

If you think your cat might be in pain, one thing you can do is speak to a veterinarian and have them take a look at your kitty.

This turns out it’s not severe, you can also change their diet or give them toys for entertainment – anything to keep them distracted and happy.

If they want more attention, make sure they get enough each day by playing with them, petting them, or talking to them while they eat. This will help reduce the risk of your Persian cat crying next time they want attention.


Persian cats have a unique way of communicating with their owners. Unlike other breeds, they vocalize and use tears to get their point across. One of the most common reasons Persian cats cry is when they feel neglected or ignored by their owner.

Another reason why some Persian cats may be crying is that they feel pain or discomfort. For example, if you’ve recently adopted a Persian cat from an animal shelter, it could be due to a change in environment and lifestyle.

And lastly, it could also be due to hunger or thirst. If your cat has been meowing incessantly for food and running off every time you enter the kitchen, this could be the reason why he’s been so persistent!