Are you a Labrador owner? If yes, then congrats because you have the most loving dog in the world. Simultaneously, all the best since you are going to care for a life, which undoubtedly is a tough task.
Ensuring your Labrador is living in the right weather and temperature conditions is very important. For example, freezing weather can make the dog curl up and shiver, whereas hot and humid weather can make them pant badly. So, what is the ideal weather/ temperature for Labradors?
What Temperatures Can Labradors Tolerate And Handle?
The ideal temperature for Labradors is from 10 degree Celsius to 26 degrees Celsius/ 50 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, Labradors can easily tolerate temperatures from -6 degrees Celsius to 32 degrees Celsius (20 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit).
Excessively hot or cold climates can make the dog uncomfortable or can even lead them to develop health complications. In addition, there is no hard rule on what temperature is good or bad for your Labrador. Factors such as humidity, activity level, environment, atmosphere, physical health, and water consumption also significantly impact.

What Temperature Is Too Hot For Labrador?
Labradors are active working dogs who can handle summer quite efficiently. Though given their double-layered coat, it is critical for them to handle too hot days.
Labradors can handle maximum temperature rise of up to 32 degree Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit). And when the temperature increases above that, dogs need indoor protection at the earliest.
Labradors, or any other dog breed for that matter, can’t handle heat really well. As soon as the temperature starts stepping on the 30s table, dogs start feeling hot, dehydrated, and uncomfortable. They do have a greater tolerance level than humans, but when it comes to temperature, they require more care and concern than us. Also, since their double coat serves as an insulator, Labradors do run the risk of overheating if the weather turns too hot.
According to the reports that PETA receives every year, about 51 dogs died in the 2022 summer. These dogs were either left out in a metal kennel, left alone in the car, on an apartment patio, or so on. Later the pet owners were arrested under laws that work against cruelty to animals. Besides that, 467 dogs and cats were rescued while they were suffering from extreme summer conditions.
The number of deaths due to summer heat amongst dogs and pets is constantly increasing year after year. The number above is alone for the USA region; therefore, the number worldwide would undoubtedly appear much more.
Most dog dies due to heat happens inside an overheated car. It usually happens with careless pet parents who leave their dogs inside the car unattended, without switching on the AC or rolling down the windows.
Optimal Humidity Condition For Labradors
According to the Food and Drug Administration’s regulatory guidelines in the USA, the optimal humidity for Labradors is between 30% and 50%, given the temperature is moderate, below 25 degrees Celsius.
Humidity levels play an important role in how comfortable your Labrador is since these levels can interfere with the dog’s natural body process. For example, when humidity is too high, dogs can start panting and find it difficult to catch a breath. And the rise in both humidity and temperature can make the condition worse.
Dr. Barry Kellogg, VMD of the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association, suggests keeping dogs at a very comfortable humidity level. Why? Dogs pant to evaporate moisture from their lungs since this body process takes heat away from their body.
However, when the humidity is very high, dogs find it difficult to cool themselves, and thus their body heat/ temperature shoots up at a rapid speed. Therefore, keeping a check on humidity levels is very crucial.
Do Black Labs Get Hot In The Sun?
Yes, Black Labradors get hot in the sun faster than Labradors with lighter color coats. It happens since black color absorbs more light than lighter colors.
This light energy further converts into heat, and when the black Labradors absorb the same, their body heats up really fast.
Hence if you are a Black Labrador and a Yellow Labrador, the former will heat faster. So on a hot sunny day, you will have to pay a little extra attention to them.
7 Ways to prevent Overheating in Labradors
- If the summers are harsh or the owner is a little ignorant, dogs can suffer the impact of heat quite badly. However, there are ways that can help you prevent overheating in dogs:
- Never leave your dog alone in a closed car or room.
- Offer enough fresh water to your Labrador throughout the summer. Add a little ice to the water if the temperature is insanely high.
- Install a temperature alarm at your home or car so that you can stay alert before anything bad happens.
- Keep your Labrador groomed throughout the summer. Shorter hairs mean slightly less heat generation.
- Bath your Labrador once or twice every month during the summer season.
- Do not use hair dryers in hot settings during the summers.
What Temperature Is Too Cold For Labrador?
Labradors are dogs with thick double-layered coats, and that makes them handle cold quite efficiently. These dogs can make it up to harsh mountain weather and can even handle snowy weather.
However, when the temperature drops below 20 degrees Fahrenheit or -7 degrees Celsius, it becomes dangerous for Labradors. Due to excessively low temperatures, Labs can develop frostbite or, for the worst, hyperthermia.
Along with temperature, chilly wind also plays a crucial role in making weather conditions harsh for Labradors or any other dogs for that matter.
When in the 10s (Celsius), the temperature may not feel very cold, but when it is topped with a chilly breeze, it directly hits the dog’s skin. Though adult Labradors can still handle drops in temperature, puppies and senior dogs become more susceptible to cold.
Ways to protect Labradors from harsh winters
- Limit your Labradors’ outdoor time to the sunny hours of the day.
- Allow your Lab to play in the snow, though limit the hours.
- Provide the dog with comfortable and cosy bedding.
- Keep your dog hydrated and full of nutritious food.
- Though Labradors do not need a coat if it is too cold, allow them to wear one.
- Make your dog wear snow shoes, especially while they are in the snow.
Partying words
Labradors are living beings; thus, they feel hot and cold like humans. They are more comfortable during winter, but if it is summer, these dogs with a double-layered coat can have a very hard time.
Be cautious about temperature and humidity changes if you are a Labrador parent. Try providing your dog with a soothing and calming environment, enough water, and a nutritious diet.