How Long After a Snake Bite Will a Cat Die

How Long After a Snake Bite Will a Cat Die? [2022 Facts]

My cat had a pretty traumatic experience a few days back. I heard my cat just squall out from my backyard. I ran into the backyard immediately and my cat was looking at me please help me. She was in so much pain, that her mouth was open, and gasping for breath.

Surprisingly I noticed my cat was bleeding from her left paw and her left paw was swollen up. I closely observe the wounded paw, I think it was a snake bite. My first concern was how long after a snake bite will a cat die?

I dug up some information that I want to share with you.

How Long Does It Take For A Cat To Die After Snake Bite?

If a cat is bitten by a venomous snake-like cobra or rattlesnake, it can survive 8 to 12 hours without any medical attention. More than 80% of cats survive a snake bite if they receive quick treatment. Most cats take 24 to 48 hours to recover if get antivenin treatment. 

According to Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center— cats have no immunity to venous snake bite.

When a cat is bitten by a less venomous snake-like copperhead, they do not need emergency medical treatment. But when a venomous snake bites a cat, immediate treatment is necessary. If immediate treatment is not performed, the venomous bite can be fatal.

Once discharge from the hospital, follow all the medication prescribed by the veterinarian. The faster and better treatment your cat receives, there is a better chance your cat to survive the venomous bite.  Also, Read My article on how to save a fading kitten.

Note: Rush the cat to the near veterinary clinic if you identify that your cat is bitten by a venomous snake.

How Do You Treat a Snake Bite on a Cat At Home?

  • Approach your cat very carefully.
  • Hydrate your cat if not unconscious 
  • Shave the hair from the bite area of your cat. 
  • Clean the area of the bite with 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  • Transport the cat to the near veterinary clinic. 

If you see the snake, try to remember its color pattern or appearance.

This will help veterinarians for the identification of the snake bite and to perform immediate treatment.

What Not To Do If Snake Bites Your Cat?

Here’s what not to do if snakes bite your cat include: 

  • Do not wash the bitten area with water.
  • Never try to suck out the venom.
  • Don’t apply a tourniquet.
  • Do not approach the snake.
  • Don’t apply ice at the wounds.

Can a Cat Survive a Snake Bite without Treatment?

Most cats can survive non-venomous snake bites without treatment. But if the cat gets bitten by a venomous snake, 60% of the cat will die without treatment. Even if your cat survives, there is a possibility of your cat having permanent paralysis.

According to Dr. Callum Turner DVM: “if a venomous bite is suspected then anti-venom should be administered, there are various tests which may be performed but vary in reliability”

Symptoms of Snake Bite in Cats

Most venomous snake bites will have two frag marks and non-venomous snake bites will have U-Shape markings.

Snakes bite may not be visible if your cat is long-haired, make sure to look for the symptoms of snakebite in cats.

The symptoms of snakebite in a cat include:

  • Partial paralysis
  • Bleeding uncontrollably
  • Gasping
  • Cannot lift the head
  • Blood in urine
  • Limbs are weak and floppy
  • Vomiting
  • Swelling
  • Dilated pupils

Long Term Effects of Snake Bites in Cats

Long term effects of snakebite in cats include: 

  • Lost eyesight.
  • Permanent tissue damage. 
  • Inflammation in the bitten area. 
  • Extreme weakness in his legs.
  • Collapse while running.

How to Prevent Snake Bite in Cats?

Most cat gets snakebite when they step on the snake mistakenly. The snake feels threatened, followed by a bite to protect them.  Cats that are allowed for outdoor exploration, are more venerable to snake bites.

Here are a few things you can do to prevent snake bites in cats:

  • Make sure your garden lawns are nice and cleared up.
  • Make sure there’s no pile of woods or timbers.
  • Spray carbonic acid where the cat goes most.
  • Cover up the holes in the land.
  • Check potential hiding spots of snakes.
  • Limit outdoor access to your cat.

Cats have an instinct to hunt, whenever they see a snake they go for chasing. It’s very challenging to keep a cat from chasing its prey. Make sure to follow all the necessary guidelines mentioned above to keep the snake away from cats.

Are Cats Immune to Scorpion Stings?

Cats are not immune to scorpion stings or venom. Rather cats are much better at avoiding or getting stung by scorpions. Cats have thick fur and skin which acts as their protective shields against any stings.

First Aid for Scorpion Stings in Pets

Most cats don’t need intensive treatment to treat scorpion stings. But if it gets worse then you should seek veterinary attention immediately for pain relief. If you live far away from the veterinarian clinic, then you may need to do some treatment at home before going to them.

First Aid for Scorpion Stings in Pets includes:

  • Restrict your cat’s movements. Try to keep your pet calm and still so that they can’t lick their wounded areas.‌
  • Clean the wound area with soap water or dilute hydrogen peroxide.
  • Don’t give them any food or liquids to drink at that time.
  • ‌You can try giving them pain reliever medicine like an injectable version of an Antihistamine or Diphenhydramine.

But it’s best to consult your veterinarian first to determine what will be the proper medicine and dosage for your pet cat.

Final Thought

There’s an old tale that cat is immune to snake venom, but in reality, they are not. So, if a venomous snake bites your cat, rush your cat to the near veterinary clinic. If the veterinary clinic is not near, treat your cat at home.

Cat has a higher survival rate compared to humans and dogs if given antivenin treatment and until today the reasons are unknown.