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9 Hacks for Getting Rid of Pet Odor in Your Home

9 Hacks for Getting Rid of Pet Odor in Your Home

Wondering, How to Get Rid of Dog Smell in Your House? In this article, we will discuss the Vet/Expert Recommended Methods to Get Rid of Pet Odor. First of all, Having a pet is great. They provide companionship, love, and endless laughs. In fact, research shows us that pet ownership has positive effects on our mental health and well-being during difficult times.

But, as every pet parent knows, sometimes they can also be the source of some pretty potent smells. So if your home has started to smell a bit too much like your dog or cat, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. Check out these nine hacks for getting rid of pet odor in your home.

From using the correct dog supplies to keep your pet clean to routines to remove smells, we’ve got you covered. So keep reading for our top tips on making your home smell fresh and clean once again.

9 Quick Tips for Eliminating Pet Odors

1) Keep Toileting Areas Clean

Pets are great companions, but let’s be real — they can stink up the joint if you’re not careful. The strongest offenders for pet odors are probably urine and feces.

Obviously, you want to keep toileting areas clean. This means litter boxes for cats, puppy pads for dogs, and spot cleaning areas where the animals are prone to accidents. But that’s just the start.

2) Wash Pet Beds and Blankets

Have you ever had a friend come over to your house and comment on how great it smells? Or, on the flip side, have you ever gone to a friend’s house and been hit with an overwhelming pet odor?

If you have pets, it’s essential to regularly wash their beds and blankets to reduce odors. Pet fur and dander can be a significant source of smells, so removing them from the equation will help a lot. 

Additionally, pet beds and blankets can start to smell just like our own bedding does — not so great. But, again, by washing them regularly, you’ll help keep odors at bay.

So next time your friends come over, they’ll be commenting on how great your house smells — not how much they can smell your dog or cat.

Source: Silvija Collins/

3) Clean Toys and Accessories

As any pet owner knows, keeping your pet’s toys and accessories clean is important. Not only do they get covered in saliva, which can lead to other dirt and debris, but they can also become a breeding ground for bacteria.

If you don’t regularly clean them, they can start to smell bad — and no one wants their house to smell like their pet’s toys. 

In addition, if the items can’t be properly cleaned, they can pose a health risk to your pet. It’s important to remember collars, leashes and harnesses if your pet dons them regularly, as they can also take on some pretty funky smells. 

4) Vacuum Regularly

If you have pets, you know that one of the biggest challenges is dealing with pet fur and dander. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also cause odors that can be tough to get rid of.

One of the best ways to deal with pet fur and dander is to vacuum regularly with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter. HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filters trap small particles, including pet fur and dander.

As a result, they can help to eliminate odors and keep your home smelling fresh and clean. In addition, HEPA filters can also help remove allergens from the air, making it easier for people with allergies to breathe. If you don’t have a vacuum with a HEPA filter, it might be time to consider investing in one.

5) Sweep and Mop

We all know that vacuuming is the best way to remove pet hair from our carpets and upholstery. But what about in-between vacuums? That’s where sweeping comes in.

A good broom can collect a surprising amount of pet hair, and it’s a lot easier than lugging out the vacuum cleaner every time your dog sheds. Just be sure to sweep in the direction of your floorboards, so you don’t scratch them.

Mopping is critical for hard floors like hardwood, laminate, and tile. It will remove any dirt and dust that’s been tracked in and help to remove any odors. Just be sure to use the correct type of cleaner and avoid using excessive amounts of water.

That excess water can seep into the cracks of your flooring and cause damage over time. We’ll chat more about which products work best further in the article. 

6) Bathe Them

If your furry friend is starting to stink, it might be time for a bath. But before you grab the shampoo, you should know a few things. First, it’s essential to understand that different pets have different skin types.

For example, cats have very sensitive skin, so using a specifically designed cat shampoo is important. Dogs also need their own special dog grooming products to ensure optimal skin and coat health. All pets need a gentle shampoo that won’t strip away their fur’s natural oils. 

Over-bathing can do more harm than good, so it’s important to find a balance. Consult a professional groomer or your veterinarian if you’re not sure what kind of shampoo to use. And if you’ve taken it a little too far, help your pet get their shiny coat back with health- and appearance-boosting salmon oil for dogs.

7) Steam Clean Carpets and Furniture

Another way to remove pet odors is to steam clean your carpets and upholstered furniture. Steam cleaning uses hot water to deep clean surfaces, and the heat can help break down odor-causing molecules.

In addition, steam cleaning can reach places that regular cleaning might miss, such as crevices and folds in the fabric.

Steam clean your carpets and upholstered furniture at least once a month for best results. You may need to steam clean more often if you have multiple pets or if your pet spends a lot of time indoors.

8) Use Air Filters

One of the most effective ways to reduce pet odor in your home is to use air filters on your furnace and use stand-alone air purifiers with HEPA filters. By trapping pet hair, dander, and other airborne particles, these devices can help to significantly reduce pet odors.

In addition, they can also help to improve your indoor air quality and reduce allergens. As a result, using air filters is a great way to keep your home smelling fresh and looking new.

9) Use the Right Cleaning Products

When it comes to cleaning your home, it’s essential to use the right products. Overly perfumed cleaning products may seem like they’re getting the job done, but they’re simply masking the odor. Instead, opt for products that get to the root of the issue.

Natural products like baking soda, vinegar, and citrus/hydrogen peroxide solutions are great for cutting through grime and leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.

They neutralize offensive odors like urine and don’t need to rely on heavy scents. Plus, they’re usually less expensive than their chemically-laden counterparts.

The Ultimate Work in Progress

We hope we’ve helped you better understand how to get rid of pet odors and that you feel more confident in your ability to combat them. Try out some different tactics as needed.

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to getting rid of pet odor, and the effort will be a perpetual work in progress. Just remember that your little friend is worth all the trouble — and if at first, you don’t succeed, try, try again.