Wondering, Why do dogs bury Food, Treats, Bones and Toys? Do you have a dog and wonder why your canine companion always stashes your prized possessions away and then buries them? In this article, we will look at the actual reason dogs bury their food, bones, and other objects.
Dogs bury food for many reasons, but one of the most common is to keep it fresh. Dogs have low natural salt content in their diet, so they need to eat often to stay hydrated.
Burying food also ensured that even if a dog was killed by a predator, its food would remain safe and uncontaminated.
Interestingly, some dogs bury bones not just as an edible storage container, but also as part of their ritual of marking their territory.
Who is the Mystery Burier?
Dogs bury bones and other objects for a variety of reasons. Some believe that dogs bury bones as a way to remember where they buried the food, while others believe that burying bones helps keep the animal clean and protected from predators.
While there is no definitive answer, it is interesting to speculate on the motivations behind this behavior.

10 Reasons Why Dogs Bury Bones, Treats, Toys, and Objects?
1) Dogs are scavenging species
Dogs are a scavenging species and as such, they’re accustomed to finding and scavenging food items, bones, and other objects. There are a few reasons why dogs bury bones, food, and other objects.
Some dogs may bury bones as a way of marking their territory or to keep other animals from getting to them. Dogs also bury bones as a way of keeping them safe from being eaten by other animals or becoming lost.
In some cases, dogs may bury bones as a way of communicating with their owners. By burying bones, dogs can tell their owners when they’ve found something interesting or when they need help.
2) Bone-Cathing Behaviour
Dogs bury bones and other objects to mark territory or to attract attention to food buried elsewhere.
This behavior is called “bone-caching.” Bone-caching can be a sign of anxiety, boredom, or illness in a dog.
3) Anxiety and Stress
According to some experts, buried bones may act as a stress reliever for dogs.
Dogs that are regularly exposed to stress may do better when they have access to physical activity and distractions, like burying bones.
This type of activity helps to release endorphins, which are hormones that are associated with happiness and pleasure.
In addition to relieving stress, buried bones can also provide dogs with important nutrients. Bones are rich in calcium and other minerals, which can help keep your pet healthy.
Some veterinarians even recommend giving your dog bones as a supplement if he or she isn’t getting enough protein from his or her diet.
4) Nausea or Inappetance
Dogs bury bones, food, and other objects as a means of relieving their sense of nausea or inappetence. The process begins when a dog detects the presence of something that makes them sick or unhappy. They may watch someone eat something that makes them queasy, or see food being thrown up in disgust.
Next, the dog starts to feel the same way. They may salivate excessively or vomit, and it becomes difficult for them to eat or drink without feeling sick. To relieve their symptoms, they bury what they don’t want to eat or drink near where they are sleeping or spending time.
This method helps the dog avoid eating or drinking things that would make them feel worse, and it gives them something to focus on other than their sickness.
5) Habitual to Over Feeding Or Over Eating
According to SPCA.NZ Dogs bury bones and other objects as a form of Natual instinctual behavior. The object is typically buried in order to access food that has been stored below the ground.
Dogs that overfeed or overeat tend to do the same thing, burying food in an attempt to control their intake. This habit can lead to obesity and other health problems. Dogs that are fed regularly and properly will not bury food, and will instead consume their food at one time.
6) Fossicking Behavior
Dogs often bury bones, food, and other objects to show they have claimed an area as their own. This behavior is known as “fossicking.”
Dogs do this to mark their territory and to communicate with other dogs. When a dog digs up objects, it’s usually because it’s looking for food or a toy.
7) Canine Dominance
Dogs bury bones, food, and other objects as a means of displaying their dominance over the object or creature they’ve buried.
The act of burying an object asserts power and control over it. Dogs will bury bones, food, or other objects to show that they own or are in charge of the object.
Burying an object also ensures that the object remains uncontaminated and fresh for consumption by the dog.
In some cases, dogs will bury smaller objects as a sign of dominance over larger ones. This can be observed when a dog digs a hole and leaves behind a small toy while digging up a larger toy.
8) Protecting Food
Dogs bury bones and other objects as a way of protecting food from being stolen or eaten by other animals.
By burying the food, the dog is ensuring that it will not be seen or eaten by other animals.
Burying food also ensures that the food remains fresh and untouched.
9) Food Preservation
Dogs bury bones, food, and other objects to help preserve them. The practice is called rumination or coprophagy.
Dogs are thought to bury bones and other objects to help preserve them from scavengers, such as wolves, and from drying out.
Bury-and-cover behavior has been observed in a variety of animals, including chimpanzees, elephants, and rodents. Burying has been found to increase the survival rate of cached food by up to 50%.
The practice of rumination or coprophagy is also seen in humans. Rumination is the eating of undigested food that is considered unhealthy or unpleasant. In Coprophagy, the person eats their own feces.
10) Food is A Canine Treasure
Dogs bury bones, food, and other objects as a way to mark their territory and to ensure that their treasure remains safe.
According to the ASPCA, burying bones is one-way dogs show their dominance over other animals or humans. By burying the bone, the dog is saying “This is mine” and “I’m not going to let you take it away from me.”
Interestingly enough, some pet owners use this behavior to teach their dogs how to dig for buried treasures. By burying a treat or a toy before giving the command to dig, your dog will learn that digging for buried goodies is a fun activity.
Some More Reasons Why Dogs Bury Food
- To Hide Food: Dogs may bury food to hide it from other animals or humans. This can be a way to protect the food from being eaten or stolen by someone else.
- To Maintain Hygiene: Dogs may bury food to keep it safe from becoming dirty or wet. This can prevent the food from spoiling or becoming contaminated.
- To Keep It Warm: Dogs may bury food to keep it warm during cold weather or when they are unable to find shelter. This can help the dog stay warm and fed during cold weather conditions.
- To Keep It Safe From Predators: Dogs may bury bones or other objects to protect them from predators such as coyotes or other animals that like to eat bones.
- Save it From Their Own Canine Cousins: A dog that is not at the top of the pack order may bury bones out of spite or anger at another canine for taking his/her food.
- To Help Them Sleep: Dogs may bury bones to help them fall asleep more easily and happily.
Do dogs remember where they bury food?
The Short Answer is Yes, Dogs Do Remember where is hide their food or treats; Some people think that dogs bury bones and other food objects as a way to remember where they buried them.
Researchers at Cornell University conducted an experiment to see if dogs can remember where they buried food. The scientists recorded videos of nine dogs as they searched for buried food.
After each dog was searched a number of times, the researchers placed three small objects at random sites near the original location of the food object.
They then measured how long it took each dog to find all three objects and how closely it remembered which object was whereby which object. The results? The dogs easily remembered where they buried the food that they remember, but most did not remember in which box the food was originally hidden! This study suggests that dogs cannot deliberately remember where they bury food for later retrieval.
They seem to use the same memory strategy to remember where they buried things as other species. Humans are able to learn from experience, but even these memories can fade over time and so we may not be any better at remembering than dogs.
These kinds of studies can help us understand how our brains function when we make decisions on the basis of information stored in our brains. We are still learning much about how this all works, and what strategies animals have developed to survive in nature.
How do I stop my dog from burying food?
There are a few things that you can try if you’re having trouble getting your dog to stop burying bones, food, and other objects.
One thing that you may want to try is bribery. If you can find something that your dog really loves (such as a treat or a toy) and give it to them every time they bury something, they may be more likely to stop on their own.
Another thing that you can do is try to get them used to carrying their food in their mouth instead of burying it. This can be done by rewarding them when they eat their food from a plate or bowl instead of hiding it away.
What breed of dog likes to bury things?
The answer to this question is a little bit complicated because there are many breeds of dogs that like to bury things. However, some general categories of dogs that bury things include retrievers, boxers, German shepherds, and bulldogs.
Some specific breeds of dogs that frequently bury bones, food, and other objects include bulldogs, golden retrievers, border collies, Australian shepherds, and Labrador Retrievers.
Why is my dog hiding food and not eating?
Dogs bury bones, food, and other objects as a form of enrichment and to find them later. This behavior can be associated with a number of reasons, including boredom, stress relief, and possessiveness. While some dogs may bury only specific items, others may bury anything they come across. Here are four reasons why your dog might be burying bones:
- Boredom: Dogs will often bury bones if they’re bored or lack stimulation. Providing them with toys that can be played with outside of the kennel or at the dog’s normal spot in the home will help keep your pet occupied and less likely to bury bones.
- Stress relief: As with humans, dogs can become stressed out or anxious at times. Burying bones can provide them with a way to release that energy in a non-violent way.
- Possessiveness: Some dogs may bury bones as an indication that they’re taking ownership of the item or area. This is usually seen in breeds that were bred to hunt such as Retrievers and Golden Retrievers.
- Attention Seeking: Dogs may also bury bones as a way of getting attention from their owners. If you see your pet burying bones regularly
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Dogs have been known to bury bones, food, and other objects for a variety of reasons. Dogs bury bones as a means of passing the bone along from generation to generation or to mark territory. Food can be buried as an act of scavenging or as part of a dog’s pack hierarchy. Other objects that may be buried by dogs include toys, balls, and Frisbees. I hope This article has cleared your Doubts.