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How Many Chipmunks Can Live Together? When Are Chipmunks Too Many?

How Many Chipmunks Can Live Together? When Are Chipmunks Too Many?

Chipmunks are solitary animals and love to live alone unless there is a mother chipmunk with her kids. Moreover, an interesting fact here is that chipmunks usually interact during the mating season only. Also, they are territorial and defensive towards their area. Although chipmunks are not social, still they can live in a colony. You will see 2 to 4 chipmunks per acre of land and mostly 8-10 of them in a small colony. A group or colony of chipmunks known as a “Scurry”.

More About Chipmunks

According to the Springer link, chipmunks’ social system is very solitary. They love to live alone with minimum socialisation most of the time.

Chipmunks are very non-social animals that love to live solitary life. Hence, only one chipmunk lives in a burrow for most of the year. Moreover, they are very defensive about their homes and can get aggressive if any intruder arrives.

You can see them more engaging and interacting in the mating seasons. Of course, this interaction is between females and males. However, male chipmunks also interact with each other to show their dominance. Their aggression is very important for protecting their house and mate.

As I said earlier, Chipmunks are very anti-social, but females live with their kids after birth. Once the kids grow up to weaning age, these chipmunks move out of the house.

The spatial distribution and size of this creature’s colony depend on the number of enemies they have, shelter availability, and food supply.

How Many Chipmunks Live Together

Are chipmunks social in their community?

No, chipmunks are not social in their community. However, you may still see one or more chipmunks together in your backyard. This is usually seen during the mating season. Also, seeing them together does not mean that they live together. As I have already mentioned, only one chipmunk lives in one burrow.

Chipmunks do not like to allow each other to burrow. However, this scenario is different during the mating season. It is crazy to know that there are 25 or more species of these little creatures around the world.

How many chipmunks can live in a colony?

You can find 8 to 10 chipmunks in one colony. Although they are anti-social still you can see them living together in the colony.

How much territory does a chipmunk cover?

A chipmunk usually covers around ¼ to ½ acre of area. However, an adult chipmunk can cover an area about 50 feet round the burrow. They are very active during the morning and late afternoon. Talking about the chipmunks population, there are 2 to 4 creatures per acre.

How Many Chipmunks Are Too Many?

The backyard is a fantastic place to raise chipmunks because they rarely cause issues unless there is an overpopulation.
On average, there are two to four chipmunks per acre. If there is sufficient food and cover, this number may rise to as high as 10 per acre.

Do chipmunks have more than one entrance?

Yes, chipmunks have more than one entrance. Among these multiple entrances, some might be made temporarily and others permanently.

A plunge hole is an opening that leads straight to the deep ground.  Also, the main entrance can be as long as 20 feet in length.

Do chipmunks live in the same place every year?

Actually, this depends on the availability of food and the nature of livelihood. However, most chipmunks usually stay in one place from season to season. Also, they spend the majority of time in the part of their burrow which is known as their dominant area.

What is the natural lifespan of a chipmunk?

Both the female’s and males’ overall lifespan is 2 to 3 years in the wild and around 8 years in captivity.

This is very incredible. Additionally, both sexes attend their sexual maturity from one year of their age.

What time of year do chipmunks have babies?

Chipmunks have babies around the spring season. According to, they have a gestation period of 31 days.

Once the babies are born, they stay in the nest for around 6 weeks. Female chipmunks have 1 to 2 litters every year and have 4 to 5 babies in each litter.

Initially, the babies live with the mother chipmunk. Afterwards, once they grow up, they move out and make their own burrow.

How deep is a chipmunk den?

A chipmunk’s burrow can reach up to 3 feet deep and 30 feet long. These burrows have nesting chambers and storage spaces for seeds and nuts that provide them food throughout the winter season. Moreover, it also keeps them safe.

How far do chipmunks travel from their burrow?

Chipmunks can travel up to ⅓ mile from their burrows. This is because they build 2 types of burrows. One is a shallow burrow that is used to refuge while eating during the day. And the second one is the deeper on eto nest, spend time, and store food.

Do chipmunks stay underground all winter?

Chipmunks usually hibernate during winter. However, they do not sleep throughout the season. Moreover, chipmunks retreat to the burrows and wake up everyday to increase their body temperature, defecate, urinate, and store food.

Where do chipmunks lay their babies?

Chipmunks lay their babies in their burrows. Moreover, you cannot find their babies until they are a bit grown. Also, once they grow up, they leave the burrow and make their own. Chipmunks in the wild for 2 years and in captivity they live for around 8 years.

What month do chipmunks hibernate?

Chipmunks usually hibernate between October and march. Weather during this period is very harsh and temperatures have dropped to a level. This is very suitable for chipmunks to hibernate.

What does it mean when a chipmunk chirps?

This means that their predators are nearby and they are giving a signal to their colony to stay alert. This chirping sound is quite loud and it is known as “chip-chips” because of their relative nature. It is their language of alerting their fellow chipmunks to save themself from predators.

Do chipmunks nest in houses?

Yes, chipmunks do nest in human houses. You must initially look at the attic of your house.

They usually nest in the attic due to the offering of a huge food source and shelter. Chipmunks can cause various issues while they are in the house.

This is because they spread their faeces and urine around the house. Additionally, they also leave unpleasant smells and different diseases.

Fun Facts About Chipmunks

  • A group or colony of chipmunks is known as a “Scurry”.
  • One little chipmunk can collect around 165 acorns in a single day.
  • While building a burrow, a chipmunk can extend the main entrance of its burrow up to 20 ft. in length.
  • These little creatures have small pouches inside their cheeks. They use these pouches to store their food while foraging.

Final words

So the bottom line is – Chipmunks are anti-social creatures and love to stay solitary in their burrows. They don’t eat and sleep together. Even though they do not live together, they are very smart in the case of searching for food and destroying your backyard.

You can see them together running in your backyard but they get back to their respective burrows only. However, you can see them together frequently during the mating season. Also, you surely can find a female chipmunk with her babies in one burrow. However, when the baby chipmunks grow up, they leave the burrow and make their own.

I hope you enjoyed the article. I will be back soon with more interesting and informative pieces of writing. Till then, stay connected. Thank you.