12 Best Cat Breeds For Busy Families In 2022
Cats are an ideal family pet, but they do require a lot of time and attention, especially if you don’t want them bored. If you are busy or have small …
Cats are an ideal family pet, but they do require a lot of time and attention, especially if you don’t want them bored. If you are busy or have small …
Does your cat sleep with you instead of your husband? You may wonder, “Why does my cat sleep with me and not my husband?” We reveal why they do! There …
We are going to discuss how to tell how many kittens a cat will have and how to take care of those kittens after they are born! There are a …
Does your cat ever cuddle up in your arms to sleep and you ask yourself, “my cat sleeps in my arms like a baby, is it normal?” We know why …
Cats are wonderfully affectionate animals, but that doesn’t mean they won’t occasionally use you as a headrest when you’re sleeping. What’s more, cats will sometimes perform their headbutting in the …
We all know that cats can be finicky creatures. They may love you one minute and ignore you the next. So it’s not surprising that some people think that cats …
If you are mating your cats or you notice your cats mating, you may notice that they meow when mating. So, Why do cats meow when mating? Cats meow when …
If you have ever owned an unneutered male cat, you know that one of the biggest challenges of owning him can be dealing with his strong urine scent in and …
If you’ve ever seen the movie Zootopia, then you know that coyotes can run really fast-fast enough to chase down rabbits and small rodents and nab them before they even …
When you’re thinking about declawing your cat, it’s important to choose the method that’s right for you and your cat, rather than just choosing the cheapest one out there. After …
Is your cat currently having her period and acting like she is in pain? Has she been in heat longer than you might have expected? Today we will answer the …
If you’ve ever been around a cat when you start to cough, you’ll know what I mean when I say that cats can be incredibly distracting at times, even if …