What Animals Eat Oranges

Which Animals Eat Oranges? 21 That Can and 9 Who Shouldn’t

Oranges are a delicious and nutritious fruit that many animals enjoy. They are rich in vitamin C, fiber, and other essential nutrients. However, not all animals can or should eat oranges. In this article, we will explore what animals eat oranges, the pros and cons of oranges for them, and provide references and examples to support our findings. The most Common Animals that eat Oranges include us Humans, Monkeys, Lemurs, Tamarin, Birds, Squirrels , Chipmunks, Bats, Some Farm and Wild Animals Like Horses, Pigs, Elephants and The the list Goes on which we will discuss later in this article.

Which Animals Eat Oranges

The Most Common Animals That Eat Oranges include:

  1. Humans (Great Apes and Primates)
  2. Frugivore Monkeys (Tamarins, squirrel Monkey, golden Snub-nosed Monkey, Ring-tailed Lemurs)
  3. Birds (Parrots, Woodpeckers, Orioles, Mockingbirds, Doves, Peacocks, Golden Finches)
  4. Squirrels and Chipmunks
  5. Fruit Bats
  6. Turtles (Red-eared Slider Turtles)
  7. Farm Animals (Horses and Pigs)
  8. Caterpillars
  9. Raccoons
  10. Armadillos
  11. Wild Animals (Deer, Elephants and Bears)
  12. Fish (Goldfish)

Lets Discuss These Orange Feeding Animals in Detail

Humans: We the Humans Tops the list are one of the most common animals that eat oranges. They enjoy oranges as a tasty snack or as an ingredient in a variety of dishes.

Humans Eat Oranges

Frugivore Monkeys: Frugivorous monkeys, such as tamarins, squirrel monkeys, golden snub-nosed monkeys, and ring-tailed lemurs, are adapted to eating a diet consisting mostly of fruit. Oranges provide a sweet and nutritious source of food for these animals, and they may feed on oranges when other fruit sources are scarce. Monkeys have a unique digestive system that allows them to break down tough fibers in fruit and extract the nutrients.

Monkeys Eat Oranges

Birds: Many species of birds, including parrots, woodpeckers, orioles, mockingbirds, doves, peacocks, and golden finches, enjoy eating oranges. Birds are attracted to the fruit’s bright color and high vitamin C content. They may eat oranges as a source of hydration and nutrition, as well as to supplement their insect and seed-based diets.

Birds Eat Oranges

Squirrels and Chipmunks: Squirrels and chipmunks are omnivorous animals that eat a wide range of foods, including nuts, seeds, fruits, and insects. While oranges may not be their preferred food source, they may eat them when other food sources are scarce. Squirrels and chipmunks have strong teeth that can crack open the tough skin of oranges to access the juicy flesh inside.

Squirrel Eat Oranges

Turtles/Tortoise: Red-eared slider turtles are omnivorous animals that eat both plant and animal matter. While they primarily feed on aquatic vegetation, they may also eat fruit, including oranges, when they are available. Oranges provide a source of hydration and nutrition for turtles, as well as a tasty treat.

Farm Animals: Horses and pigs are both omnivorous animals that eat a variety of foods. While oranges may not be a regular part of their diets, they may be fed as a special treat. Oranges provide a source of hydration and nutrition for these animals, as well as a sweet and tasty snack.

Farm Animals Eat Oranges

Deer: Deer are herbivorous animals that primarily feed on vegetation such as leaves, grass, and twigs. While oranges may not be a regular part of their diets, they may eat them when they are available. Oranges provide a source of hydration and nutrition for deer, as well as a sweet and tasty treat.

Raccoons: Raccoons are opportunistic feeders that will eat almost anything they can find, including oranges. Oranges provide a source of hydration and nutrition for raccoons, as well as a sweet and tasty snack. However, it’s important to note that raccoons can become reliant on human-provided food, which can lead to health problems and habituation to humans.

Armadillos: Armadillos are omnivorous animals that feed on a variety of foods, including insects, small animals, and fruit. Oranges provide a source of hydration and nutrition for armadillos, as well as a sweet and tasty treat.

Elephants and Bears: Elephants are herbivorous animals that primarily feed on vegetation such as leaves, bark, and fruit. Oranges provide a source of hydration and nutrition for elephants, as well as a sweet and tasty treat. However, it’s important to note that elephants have complex digestive systems that require a specific balance of nutrients, so oranges should not be fed to elephants as a regular part of their diet.

Pros and Cons of Eating Oranges for Animals:

Pros of Feeding Oranges or Citrus Fruits:

  1. Vitamin C: Oranges are rich in vitamin C, which is essential for the health of many animals, including humans, monkeys, and birds.
  2. Fiber: Oranges are high in fiber, which can help animals maintain healthy digestion.
  3. Hydration: Oranges are a good source of water, which can help animals stay hydrated.

Cons of Feeding Oranges or Citrus Fruits:

  1. High Sugar Content: Oranges are high in sugar, which can be problematic for some animals, such as diabetic monkeys.
  2. Choking Hazard: Oranges contain seeds that can be a choking hazard for some animals, such as birds.
  3. Pesticides: Oranges may be sprayed with pesticides, which can be harmful to some animals, such as squirrels and raccoons.

8 Animals That Should Not Eat Oranges

While oranges are generally safe for most animals to eat in moderation, there are some animals that should not consume them or should only eat them in limited quantities.

There are some animals that should not eat oranges or any citrus fruits, such as cats. Citrus fruits contain essential oils that are toxic to cats and can cause digestive problems, vomiting, and diarrhea. Similarly, some animals may be allergic to citrus fruits or have difficulty digesting them, so it’s important to research the specific dietary needs of an animal before introducing any new foods.

  1. Dogs: While dogs can eat small amounts of oranges, they are not recommended as a regular part of their diet. Oranges contain high levels of sugar and citric acid, which can cause upset stomachs, vomiting, and diarrhea in dogs.
  2. Cats: Like dogs, cats are not adapted to digesting large amounts of fruit. Oranges contain high levels of sugar and citric acid, which can cause digestive problems in cats.
  3. Rabbits: While rabbits are herbivores and can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, oranges should be avoided as they are too acidic and contain too much sugar for their digestive system.
  4. Reptiles: While some reptiles may eat fruit, including oranges, they have different nutritional needs than mammals and may not be able to digest the high levels of sugar and citric acid found in oranges. It’s important to research the specific dietary needs of your reptile and consult with a veterinarian before introducing any new foods.
  5. Rodents: While some rodents, such as squirrels and chipmunks, may eat oranges in small amounts, other rodents, such as rats and guinea pigs, should avoid them due to the high levels of sugar and citric acid.
  6. Hamsters: Oranges are undoubtedly healthy for humans due to their high vitamin C content, but because of their high acidity, they are not healthy for your hamster’s delicate digestive tract. Oranges and all other citrus fruits have high amounts of acidity that can result in major digestive problems, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal problems. The teeth of your hamster may quickly deteriorate due to this acidity’s potential to create major dental problems. Oranges also contain a lot of sugar, and in hamsters, too much sugar can result in diabetes and dental problems.
  7. Tarantulas: Tarantulas are carnivorous spiders that primarily feed on insects and other small prey. There is no evidence to suggest that they would be interested in eating oranges or other fruits, and consuming citrus fruits could potentially harm them.
  8. Black bears: Black Bears are really fond of citrus fruits and can eat oranges and many other fruits as part of their omnivorous diet. However, it’s important to note that oranges are not a natural part of a bear’s diet in the wild, and feeding them oranges or any other human food can lead to health problems and potentially dangerous interactions with humans. In general, it’s best to let wild animals stick to their natural diets and avoid feeding them human food.

In general, carnivorous animals such as lions, tigers, wolves, and other large predators do not typically eat fruits such as oranges as they have a diet mainly composed of meat. Similarly, some herbivorous animals such as horses and cows, although they may eat fruits, they should consume them in moderation, as they are not their primary source of nutrition.

Overall, it’s important to consider an animal’s specific dietary needs before feeding them any new food, including oranges. If in doubt, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist.

Mandarin Vs Tangerines Vs Clementine Vs Satsuma For Animals

Oranges, mandarins, tangerines, clementines, and satsumas are all types of citrus fruits that can potentially be offered as treats to animals. However, there are some differences in the nutritional content and suitability of these fruits for different types of animals.

Oranges are a good source of vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, but they also contain high levels of acidity and sugar. While some animals like monkeys, birds, and squirrels may enjoy eating oranges as a treat, it’s important to offer them in moderation and with caution. The high sugar content in oranges can lead to obesity and other health problems in some animals.

Mandarins, tangerines, clementines, and satsumas are all smaller and sweeter than oranges, with a thinner skin and less acidity. These fruits are generally considered safe for animals in moderation, but they should still be offered with caution due to their high sugar content. Some animals like birds, squirrels, and turtles may enjoy eating these fruits as a treat, but it’s important to research the specific dietary needs of your pet before introducing any new foods.

In general, it’s important to offer citrus fruits like oranges, mandarins, tangerines, clementines, and satsumas to animals in moderation and as part of a balanced diet that meets their specific nutritional needs. If you have any concerns about your pet’s diet or health, it’s always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian.

What Animals Eat Tangerines?

Tangerines are a type of citrus fruit, and many animals that eat oranges or mandarins may also eat tangerines. Some examples of animals that may eat tangerines include monkeys, birds, squirrels, and other rodents. In addition, some species of deer and bears may also eat tangerines if they are available.

What Animals Eat Clementines?

Clementines are a type of mandarin orange, and many animals that eat oranges or other citrus fruits may also eat clementines. Some examples of animals that may eat clementines include monkeys, birds, squirrels, and other rodents. In addition, some species of deer and bears may also eat clementines if they are available.

What Animals Eat Mandarins?

Mandarins, also known as mandarin oranges, are a type of citrus fruit that is popular among humans. Several animals may eat mandarins in the wild as part of their diet, including some primates, birds, and some small mammals such as squirrels and chipmunks.

What Animals Eat Satsuma?

Satsuma is a type of mandarin orange, and many animals that eat oranges or other citrus fruits may also eat satsumas. Some examples of animals that may eat satsumas include monkeys, birds, squirrels, and other rodents. In addition, some species of deer and bears may also eat satsumas if they are available.


In summary, many animals can eat oranges, including primates such as monkeys and lemurs, birds, squirrels, turtles, raccoons, armadillos, deer, bears, and elephants. Oranges can provide these animals with valuable nutrients, including vitamin C, fiber, and potassium.

However, it’s important to note that oranges are not a natural part of every animal’s diet, and feeding wild animals can have negative consequences. Additionally, some animals, such as cats, should not eat oranges or any other citrus fruits due to potential toxicity. It’s always best to research an animal’s dietary needs and consult with a veterinarian or wildlife expert before introducing any new foods to their diet